What is Full Spectrum CBD?
Many products contain an isolate or extract of one specific nutrient, which can have some benefit. However, there’s a more synergistic effect when you take a product that’s made from parts of the plant, seed and stem. There’s multiple types of cannabinoid phytochemicals that work together and each has it’s own benefits.
How much should I take?
Most people will stick with a lower dosage at a half-dropper per day. That means if you order our 1000mg strength, you’d get a dosage of about 16mg per dropper.
Can I take too much?
If you’re looking for a more therapeutic dose, you can double that and take a half-dropper in the morning and half in the evening. Some health professionals recommend higher dosages for those battling insomnia, PTSD or pain relief. If you want to take more, you can make that decision with the help of a qualified Practitioner, Doctor, or Naturopath.
How does it taste?
Most people like the earthy taste. They love with hints of pine, lemon and a grassy kind of natural taste they don’t mind at all. If that’s not your thing, you can add it to lemon juice or honey.
How long until I see results?
Like any health product, changes can be subtle and vary from person to person. It’s worth noting CBD works with our natural endocannabinoid system, which balances sleep, immune system and benefits from long-term use.
What benefits can I expect?
CBD works with the endocannabinoid receptors which regulate our sleep, mood, pain, inflammation and digestion. Many more benefits are still being discovered. By supporting that, you may see benefits in any number of these areas.
How do I take CBD oil?
You can take the oil under the tongue (sublingually) for maximum absorption, or rub it directly on muscles and joints for a more targeted solution.